Our frequently asked questions database.If you do not see the answer to your question below, please email us or start a Live Chat and we will try to assist.
How much should postage cost?
When you send your samples to us, please remember to attach the correct postage amount to your envelope or outer wrap. If you do not attach the correct postage, the samples may not reach our testing lab. Therefore, you may need to resend your samples to us again using the correct postage amount. Please find a suitable posting solution. For more information please visit our International Service page.
How does your test compare to the blood test?
Our tests are less invasive and considerably cheaper when compared to blood tests. With blood testing, your last meal can affect the results; however with hair testing the information is stored for a longer period and reflects a larger time frame. Remember we offer an 100% refund policy if not fully satisfied with your results, so you cannot lose (see T&C's).
My hair is dyed, will this affect the result?
How do I take a hair sample?
The safest way to take a hair sample is to ask someone else to help you. First brush your hair upwards to reveal the root area at the back of the head, then holding a small amount of hair between the finger and thumb, cut the hair as close to the scalp as possible (without drawing blood). If you do not have anyone to help you, using a mirror may help ensure you avoid injury.
What's included in my test?
Your test results will include only those showing a sensitivity level of 85% or over. After performing thousands of tests, we have found 85% to be the point at which symptoms begin to develop from an intolerance.
What if i'm not satisfied?
We pride ourselves on our 99.6% customers satisfaction rating. However, if you are not satisfied with any of our services, please contact us directly via email or live chat as soon as possible in order to assist you in resolving any issues.
My hair is very short, can you still complete the tests?
The hair sample does not have to be from the head; we can test hair from any part of the body including leg, arm or chest.
How much hair do I have to provide?
Only a small amount – 5 individual strands of hair. We do not require clumps of hair.
I have not purchase from the internet before, how can I be certain you will complete the test?
We are a verified company with Paypal, we use them as they guarantee you against internet fraud. We include our address on the Paypal receipt, email address and phone number so you can contact us if you have any concerns.
Why are your prices so low?
Is there anything additional to pay?
At present you have to pay the cost of the postage back to the processing centre in the UK. Please ensure the correct postage amount has been paid as we are not liable for any extra charges.
Can you complete the test on animals?
Unfortunately we cannot carry out our tests on animals.
Where are the tests processed?
All tests are processed at our testing facility in the UK. Once the hair sample has been received at our testing facility you will receive your results within 7 working days.
How do I order intolerance testing from you?
Tests can be ordered online through this website using our secure checkout. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us via our live chat 24 hours a day Monday-Friday.
Can you do a test on my child?
We cannot test children under the age of six years old.
What if no intolerances show up on my results?
Although this is very unlikely, occasionally a sample will show you have no high level intolerances. This means that you are not suffering with food or non food intolerances, but you could benefit from a Toxic Metal or Nutritional test.
What is Bioresonance?
Bioresonance therapy is a complimentary medicine using a device that captures and diagnoses electromagnetic signals coming from the body. Developed in the 1970’s by a team of medical doctors and bio-physicists, these devices are in regular use in over 26 different countries
What machinery tests my sample?
We use MARS III Quantum Response Systems, produced by Bruce Copen Laboratories.
What accreditation does your equipment have?
Bruce Copen Laboratories follow a quality management system in accordance with AC: 2007 and are certified as a manufacturer of medical products. The MARS III is approved as a medical device class IIa in accordance with Directive 93/42/EEC
Where are the tests completed?
Test are completed in our laboratory facilities which follow Good Laboratory Practice. These are a set of principles intended to ensure the quality and integrity of non-clinical laboratory studies such as ours.
How long have you been offering this service?
We have been a market leader in offering complimentary medical therapy since 2008 and have continued to invest in the latest equipment and training to ensure we provide our clients with the best possible service and value for money.
Where is the test recognised?
For a full list please see our International Service page, with more countries added every year. Our tests are available directly through our websites and as part of the regular complementary medical diagnosis for over 131 Doctors and practitioners Worldwide.